Creating community one trail at a time

TrekAR aims to equip adventurers with the knowledge they need, while also creating a community where people can stay safe and learn from each other on every hike.

Create a unique profile suited especially to your needs.

Your user profile is customizable from the beginning so that you can set specific preferences when looking for people to go hiking with!

Engage in a bustling community of avid hikers.

Connect with people all across your area who are looking to hike but don’t have a partner our group to go with.

How do you stay safe?

TrekAr makes background checks mandatory for all users to ensure safety on the trails when you meet new people. Safety is TrekAr’s top priority when creating a hiking community.

“A journey of 1000 miles

begins with a single step”

-Lao Tzu

Let’s meet up in real life to share in the beauty of the natural world.

Sign up if you would like to know more about the app and want to be notified of its launch